Chats with Olivia - @houseofwhite_
I started following Olivia just before my son turned 1.The ever so hilarious, honest, and self loving mumma of 2 bares it all on Instagram to show the ins and outs of real motherhood. I have loved following her because she shows its okay to be yourself, and that being a mum isn't always rainbows and butterflies - and sometimes the answer is wine.

Her most recent project #morethanmybody is such an inspiring one. Many women, including myself, have struggled with body image. From a young age, I was embarrassed by how I looked. I was an over eater as a young child which resulted in becoming obese, and eventually by 15 I became bulimic from the pressure to be thin. It wasn't until I fell pregnant that I absolutely adored my body. Even though I was putting weight on, and everything was becoming a little more jiggly, I fell in love with what my body was capable of. Even at 41 weeks pregnant, 30kg heavier - I wished it could have lasted forever. I was proud of myself. Eventually when my son was born, and my glow disappeared a few months later, I went back to hating what I was left with. Even though I had grown this baby, and was still growing him with my milk, I would just stare in the mirror and cry. I kept looking around at all the mummas who were right back to their previous baby body only a

few months post partum and I asked myself why I still had 10 kg left to lose. I went through severe depression after my son was born. I loved being a mother but I felt completely alone living in a foreign country on the other side of the world, sleep deprived, confused, and still unhappy with my body - I had no energy to lose it all. I would just complain, and binge eat, staying unhappy with myself.
It wasn't until I found Olivia, and the many inspiring mums shes linked to that I realized I wasn't the only one who was left with baby weight. I started realizing that I was looking for inspiration in all the wrong places, and I needed to follow mums who I related to and connected with. Her recent project is above and beyond amazing. Reading the stories of the women involved brought tears to my eyes - from being unhappy with themselves to realizing that self love is the most important thing you can do for yourself. It doesn't matter what you weigh, or what size you are - it matters how you feel about yourself. Growing a child is a beautiful thing, and we need to show our children that the best thing you can do for yourself - is to love and appreciate the body you have. No matter what it looks like. I want my son to grow up happy with himself, and not go through the struggles with body image that I did.
I was lucky enough to have a chat with Olivia and ask her some questions. See below
1) Three words that describe you
Fun Loving Nerd
2) Who inspires you
I must admit I am very lucky to have a big arse bunch of awesome women around me, who inspire me daily! My best friend is currently studying nursing will working 3 jobs (all three jobs she works kids with disability – what a legend), another one of my GF’s just opened her own business, and if course all the darlings I’ve connected with via social media who are killing it ATM… I honestly don’t have to look very far and I see so many inspirational woman <3
3) Hopes for Annabelle and Theodora when they grow up
My biggest hope would be for them to be happy. I know it sounds simple but I think under that comes everything else. As long as they do what they want to do, be who they want to be - it all leads to just being happy right?!!
4) How has becoming a mum changed you
Oh gosh, I think it changes you in so many ways. You have to adapt and pretty darn quickly! It makes you realise you are capable of so much and leads you to discover things about yourself you never knew.
5) What inspired you to create the A Body Image Project #morethanmybody
It came off the back of an image I posted last year of my post baby body. From that women, all over the world were messaging me and emailing me their gratitude for doing this, but more so sharing their own stories. I wanted to do something goo with that and hence why I created the project J
6) Advice to mummas who are struggling to love their bodies
My advice is to take it day by day. Sadly, it can be a struggle – I mean I still have my good days and bad days, I’m not immune to these body image issues. But every day I tell myself that I am more that the skin I’m in and that I have a much greater purpose on this earth. It’s not just about your body, it’s about you as a whole – your mind, your soul, your babies, your happiness!
Thanks Olivia for chatting with me, and for being the real mumma you are
And mummas if you get a chance to browse her blog - one of my favs is
18 Thoughts All Mums Have Had While Watching Kids TV Shows - its hilarious and true. Anyone who has wines with Olivia must spend the entire time in laughter - maybe a little pee because lets face it - after having a baby who can laugh hysterically without peeing a little. Okay, maybe its just me.
xo Shyla - The Foreign Mumma