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Chats with Fashionablefitmum (Brittany Noonan)

The open, honest, and real mumma Brittany aka Fashionable Fit Mum has been one of my top mums to follow. She has such a positive outlook on life, despite going through challenges in her life. Her blogs always seem to reach out to me, and I relate to quite a few of them. She is so raw and personable.

When I first got pregnant, I was really sick, and was in hospital a few times in the beginning and I didn't know how I was going to get through it. Luckily it had subsided by the 4th month but after my partners visa changed and he was getting deported back to Australia (we were living in Canada), we had to move countries when I was 28 weeks pregnant. Leaving my family, friends and everything I knew a

few months before having my son, I became extremely depressed. The depression continued into the first year of my sons life. He was pretty much the only thing getting me through everyday. I struggled to make friends, struggled in my relationship, I struggled with my weight gain, and I struggled to find myself.

Finding Brittany on Instagram, and reading her blog helped me realize that I wasn't alone. Each mum has their own struggles and problems, and you are never going through anything by yourself. I feel like as mums, we try to take on so much and hold everything together that we forget we are human. Brittany inspires me to be the best version of myself. I can still be proud of my body, even if its not the way it used to be. She is about self love, and speaking to yourself the way you would speak to others. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves when we should be proud of what we have accomplished. She speaks out about going through depression, and surviving it - and continues to help women by letting them know its okay to go through struggles, but make sure you reach out - never go through anything alone.

I was lucky enough to have a quick chat with Brittany and below are some q&a :) Enjoy

1) Three words to describe yourself

Determined, passionate, growing.

2) Who inspires you

I get inspired by everyday women who have over come personal challenges to be a better, stronger and healthier version of themselves. That’s why I love Instagram so much because I feel like I have found and connected with so many amazingly inspiring mothers.

In terms of fitness inspirations I would say Kayla Itsines is a great role model to women not just for fitness but for business also. She seems to be very level headed for how much she has achieved.

3) How do you stay motivated

My motivation comes from my mental health. I know how I feel if I don’t exercise compared to how I feel if I do so I use that as motivation. Being active is my antidepressant so I am sure to do it every day.

4) What is a typical day in the life of Brittany

I don’t know if there is a “typical” day as a Mum. But most days we wake up with a coffee, go for a walk by the beach and spend the morning playing, going to the beach or other fun activities. Once it’s nap time for Millie it means its work time for Mummy – I work from home for our businesses, running my blog and doing online PT. Our afternoons are spent relaxing ( as much as you can with a crazy 1 year old), running errands and exercising – if my husbands home I can go to the gym otherwise Millie and I workout at home or go for another walk. Once Daddy gets home its bath, dinner and bed time for Millie so my husband and I can enjoy some time together.

5) Your hopes for Millie when she grows up

My biggest hope for Millie is that she grows up knowing her value is not based upon her appearance but the kind of person she and I will do everything I can do ensure that’s a kind, smart, strong and caring woman.

6) Advice for mummas to be or new mums struggling with depression

To anyone fighting depression I just want them to know they are not alone – it may feel like it but they aren’t. There is always someone who will listen whether that a friend, family member or professional. There is hope and you can overcome these dark feelings – you are so much stronger than you think.

To anyone who is suffering pregnancy depression I would love them to know that once they hold that little baby for the first time their whole world will change, you will feel a love like no other and you will also feel loved like you never have before. My daughter was my missing piece and I am so grateful for her being in my life because she has given me a reason to fight my mental demons everyday.

Hope you enjoyed! Make sure you are following @fashionablefitmum


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