Morning Wellness
When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children. —Jessica Lange
Its true when you become a mother that you often forget about yourself. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to bed (and the many times they may wake in the night) you are constantly thinking about the wellbeing of your child.
Self care is important, and it is necessary to do, especially when you're a mum. How do you expect to wake up everyday and help develop the mind of your little ones, if your mind is running on empty? I know that as hectic mum life is, and sometimes it feels like we cannot even find 5 minutes to ourselves, its important to try.
In the morning, I don't wake up gracefully, I wake up to a big loud cry and shout "MAMA" at 5:00 am. I jump out of my bed, and my hectic day begins. I instantly start breakfast for my son, playing with trucks in between buttering toast and cutting strawberries, we sit down and have a toddler morning chat while trying to convince him how delicious his breakfast is. We finish, or sometimes half finish and pack it up, and we're off for our morning walk to start our day. about 30 minutes later we're back and as he runs off to play, Im doing the dishes, cleaning whatever mess hubby made before work and planning our day. Its around 8am we are off to drop parcels from sales (at home business), then off to the park. I manage to take a nibble here

and there of the snacks I packed him when I realize I forgot to have breakfast, and didn't pack anything for myself. I always remember everything for my son, but often forget to nourish my own body. We eventually head home and have lunch, once he naps and Ive had a few bites here and there of lunch, I start the wash, do more dishes, clean the floors, wipe up, have a quick shower, log on and work for a bit, send emails, hang the wash, clean one room in the house (each day is a new room) and he wakes. We're off for another play, park again, backyard or for a swim. Couple hours go by and we head home to meet dada. I cook dinner, do some more dishes, we eat (or semi eat and try to convince B its not time to play trucks), Bentley has a bath, bottle with a book and off to bed. I grab my laptop, work some more, work on the blog/website, fiddle around with my projects and off to bed. I don't think I sit down once to take a time out. And after 18 months, Im exhausted.
Its not that I forget to take breaks, I just think I have way too much to do to sit down and recollect myself. In the end the washing can wait, the dishes can wait, but my wellbeing cant. That's why I've developed a morning routine for myself that I want to share with you. It doesn't take long, but its imperative to start your day calm, and collected. Its important to prioritise your well being. The best thing you can do for your children, is make sure you are present. Running on empty and just getting by isn't going to help anyone be their best. Sometimes all it takes is 5 minutes (which I know is hard to find) but I promise you, it will be worth it.
6 things to do to start your day:
1. Start by drinking a warm glass of lemon water
2. Don't reach for your phone for the first 20 minutes of your day - unplug.
3. Make breakfast for yourself. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - its your energy
4. Stretch for 5 minutes
5. Make your bed (less clutter in a room, less clutter in your mind)
6. Name 3 things you are grateful for
If you can spend just a little time on yourself, even a few minutes in the morning, afternoon or night - you'll find it will make a world of difference. Start realizing that you are important as well, and your child would want you to be as taken care of as they are.
The Foreign Mumma xx