Chats With Lauren Kate
I came across Lauren's Instagram when I had first moved over to Australia in 2015. She was pregnant as well, just a bit less than me, and she told it like it was. I followed her blog #thepreggodiaries and once her son was born, I continued to follow #madmaxmum - I loved her realness. Lauren has never been afraid to show who she is, the good and the bad. Coming from a tough past, her children have been her rock and her reason. She has pulled her way out of post natal depression, helping other mums out there to know that they aren't alone, and it's okay to not be okay. She continues to support women
everywhere by speaking about PND and its challenges, letting them know that you don't have to hide and to reach out when you need help. I, myself, went through depression over the last year with all the changes of moving across the world, adjusting to motherhood when I was told I couldn't even have children, not having my family or friends around, feeling alone, and dealing with a failing relationship. Laurens blogs, posts, and support helped me through a lot of tough times just knowing that I wasn't alone. That it wasn't just me.

Laurens dedication to leading a healthy, active lifestyle is so inspiring. Not only is she totally
rocking her post baby (x2) body, but she trains others to be the healthiest they can, and to know that you don't have to be perfect. She juggles motherhood, running her PT business, a website and blog, and making sure she has time for herself as well, she is truly a mum inspiration. She is about balance, in health and in life, and is about supporting others to lead a happy life. Not to mention she has a wicked sense of humour.
I was so happy when Lauren agreed to do a guest blog with me (bit of a fan girl moment). I just asked her a few question and was happy to pick her brain a bit. I hope she inspires you all the way she inspires me.
1. Three words to describe yourself:
Passionate, hormonal and honest.
2. A day in the life of Lauren
4am wakeup, get the kids ready, daycare drop off, clients, coaching and training, if I'm lucky a middle of the day nap and pick the kids up from daycare.
3. Who inspires you
Ohhhh tough one - for fitness inspiration I look up to the BaseBody Babes. They've built a kick ass business and I hope to one day do the same. Plus they're super hot.
4. How has being a mum changed you
Before I became pregnant, I was on a fast track to nowhere. I had no goals, my health was shit and I didn't care if I was alive or dead. My kids ultimately saved my life and I love each and every day with them.
5. Hopes for Max and Madisyn when they grow up
I want to give them the world, but I know that they'll be strong enough to go out and get it themselves. Drew and I are great parents and at such young ages they are already showing incredible strength, intelligence and have awesome personalities!
6. Advice for new mummies going through PND or struggling times
When you're feeling like shit, ask yourself what you're grateful for. Then get up off the couch and go outdoors. It's hard to push yourself when you're down but getting out there and finding someone you trust to talk to can make a HUGE difference.There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks again, Lauren!
Speak out when you are feeling alone, love yourself - flaws and all, and never change who you are to please anyone xx