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Chats with Kelly Cartwright

One of the amazing mums I follow is Kelly Cartwright. She inspires me to never give up on my dreams, to stay positive, and to be kind to myself. At the age of 15, Kelly was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer in her right knee. She was given 2 options, to face a radical surgery to remove to cancer with the potential for it to spread, or to amputate her leg. From a young age, Kelly was passionate about being active, and loved to be involved in sports. And of course, removing her leg could affect this for the rest of her life. But, the decision was made - amputation - and her life changed forever.

Spending 3 months in rehabilitation, she was fitted with a prosthetic leg and began her new journey in life. Losing her leg did not mean she lost her life, if anything, it pushed her to live her life to the fullest potential. Kelly inspires me with the amount she has done, and has never given up no matter what. She has pushed herself above on beyond to follow her dreams, and although has had such challenges and struggles, has still made it through.

Starting in 2008, she put her everything into making sure her dreams were made a reality. Some of her accomplishments include:

2008 Australian Championships – 1st- 100m Sprint Ambulant (17.62)

2008 Beijing Paralympics – 6th place 100 m Sprint Ambulant (18.36s)

2009 Australian Championships 2009 – 1st 100m Sprint Ambulant (17.39)

2011 Arafura -Asia/Pacific Games – Heats of 100m Sprint – New Australian Record 16.38 (.06 outside W.R.)

2011 Arafura -Asia/Pacific Games – 1st Final 200m Ambulant – New World Record 36.48s

2011 Arafura Asia/Pacific Games- 100 Metre Sprint, New Australian Record – 16.38

2011 IPC Word Championships New Zealand- Gold and New World record 4.19m

2011 IPC World Championships New Zealand – 100 Metre Sprint, Gold and New Championships Record 16.4

2012 Adelaide Track Classic- World Record 200m- 35.98

2012 National Championships – 100m Metre Sprint, New World Record – 16.26

2012 London Paralympics – Long Jump, Gold Medal and New WORLD RECORD of 4.38M

2012 London Paralympics – 100 Metre Sprint, Silver Medal – 16.14

If that doesn't inspire you, I don't know what would. Representing Australia in the Paralympics in London and now holding the World Record in Long jump, winning GOLD - just amazing. At 15, her whole life changed, and she could have let it get her down but she took what was a negative at the time and push her to prove to herself that she was not any different, despite the loss of her leg.

Not only has she competed and won medals in the Paralympics, but she has starred on the fifteenth season of Dancing with the Stars.

And on January 4th, 2015, her and her fiance were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy Max.

She inspires me to never give up on my dreams, no matter the roadblocks. That you can achieve anything you put your mind to, and to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. I was lucky to be able to ask her some questions, see below her answers

1. What are three words you use to describe yourself?

Loud, determined and stubborn!

2. Who inspires you?

I've met a lot of people through the Paralympic movement who inspire me! But one person who inspires me and makes me push myself everyday is my manager/ mentor Don Elgin

3. What gave you strength after losing your leg to push through and follow your dreams?

To be honest it was being a part of the Royal children's hospital, I realised some kids/ people never get a second chance after cancer so I decided to make the most of mine. I also loved sport and I didn't want to give up on my dreams of oneday returning to it just because of my amputation.

4. Hopes for your son when he grows up?

Mostly I hope he grows up happy but I also hope he grows up being accepting of others with a kind heart.

5. How has motherhood changed you?

It's made me realise that life isn't just about me anymore! That he always comes first and that I now have to find that balance for myself and my dreams and his. I now know of little what my parents must have gone through when I went through my operation.

6. What did you enjoy most about Dancing with the Stars

That I proved myself wrong! I did something that I honestly never thought I could. Oh the make up and dressed too ;)

7. What is your favourite moment of 2016

Definitely holding my little boy for the first time! I'll never forget that moment.

8. Advice for other mummies - about self love, and following your dreams

It's ok to sometimes take time out for yourself! To ask for help and to know that motherhood is amazing but also very hard. So don't give up on your dreams even if it seems to take that little bit longer! Don't forget yourself all together! Oh and also the best thing you can give your child is love.

thanks for reading! hope Kelly has inspired you like she has me

The Foreign Mumma xx


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