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Chats with Emily Tomini (Emily and Alina)

I first started following Emily when my son was about 6 months old, and her daughter was born shortly after. I found her to be one of the most positive and open bloggers, and she radiated kindness. I loved how raw she was, and how she spoke about being a mother. One of the things I love about Emily is how real she is. She isn't afraid to post a breastfeeding selfie , or blog about whats in her heart.

As I continued to follow Emily, it really hit a place in my heart. I had struggled a lot with alcohol before having my son, and went through similar sleep deprivation struggles. I really felt I connected with her stories. Her positive outlook and openess with her struggles really helped me get through a lot of my own, similar issues. Her recent blogs on self love, and accepting and embracing your post baby body had really clicked with me. I struggled a lot over the last year and a bit to accept my body. Being sleep deprived for so long, the last thing I had was motivation to get rid of the last 7kg of baby weight. Her blog about learning to love your body, and to be proud of all the amazing things it has done rather than to focus on what you are insecure about was one of the reasons I made the promise to myself to move on from the past and the focus on my body that was, and love and embrace my body that is. Considering there is a little 18 month old that grew inside there, and to have a little extra something should just remind me of the beautiful moments I had pregnant, the moments I had giving birth, and the moments I continue to have watching my son grow. Our bodies are amazing, and we should be so thankful that we are blessed enough to grow a life, that the body we have afterward shouldn't even be a focus. As long as you and your child are healthy, and happy - that's what matters.

Thank you Emily for being so raw. I appreciate you and look forward to watching you and your family grow. Thank you for taking the time to answer my blog questions!

here they are below x

1. Three words you'd use to describe yourself

Friendly, Sensitive, Kind.

2. Who inspires you

There are many who I draw inspiration from for many different reasons. The people who really inspire me are those who know who they are, stay true to themselves and don't pay any mind to what others think. I find that extremely admirable and inspiring!

3. How has being a mum changed you

Without a doubt, I'm no where near the person I was before Alina was born. I've grown and changed so much, I feel more in touch with myself and I have a completely deeper and richer perspective on life. She's made everything so much more meaningful!

4. Advice for new mummys on how to love and embrace their post baby bodies!

All I can say is be kind and gentle on yourself! Give yourself time and accept that you have changed and you're body has too. It's not a bad thing, it's a beautiful thing. Try and embrace it!

5. Favorite thing about social media

Definitely the connections I've made, I've made some real and true friendships that if I didn't have social media I would have never made! I love that it allows me to embrace my creativity and do what I love which is photography and writing!

6. Your hopes for Alina when she grows up

That she is happy, healthy and most of all knows who she is and what she wants. I want to raise her to be self assured and strong willed, to know that she can be and have whatever she wants if she puts her mind to it!


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