Wellness + Mindfulness
Fall in love with taking care of yourself
5 Lifestyle changes to be Happier and Healthier
[1] Practice positive thinking
[2] Practice gratitude
[3] Drink more water
[4] Create morning rituals you'll look forward to
[5] Avoid your phone for 20 minutes after waking

5 minute Yoga to start your day - from yogaposes8.com

I know in mum life its hard to find 5 minutes for yourself, but its important for your health and well being to take your own personal time out. Whether its 5 minutes at nap time (if you have time to scroll, you have time to meditate) - or after they go to bed. Out of 1440 minutes in the day, you can find 5 minutes to focus on you. We spend our days taking care of everyone around us, remember that we are important too and we need to refuel to be the best mum, partner, and friend we can be.
Take that time right now, 5 minutes - just for you. Meditation has been known to
reduce stress, treat depression and reduce pain.
The Basics of Meditation:
: Establish a Daily Practice - It takes time and practice to learn for full benefits
: Learn Proper Posture - this helps deep breathing. Sitting upright, balanced in an erect posture with your back straight.
: Pick a Location and Time - A calm place where you feel safe, and a time to commit to.
: No Judgement - Do not get frustrated or disappointed with your wandering mind
: Set your intention - your intentions set your state and the benefits youll take away
: Relax - pay attention to the areas you hold tensions such as between your eyebrows, your shoulder blades, legs, neck
: Remember to come back to the body - listen to your breathing, while working on disengaging the thoughts that keep popping into your mind.
Inhale and count to 5, hold your breath and count to 3, exhale and count to 8, hold your breath and count to 1. Repeat.
